FFH Guideline
The European Union (EU) is committed to the protection of biological diversity. To this end, with the Flora-Fauna-Habitats guideline (FFH Guideline) an action plan has been passed. This plan sets out how wild animals and plants, their habitats, and the Europe-wide network of these habitats are to be secured and protected.
Natura 2000
As a consequence, the EU protected areas network, Natura 2000, was brought into being. Special Areas of Conservation were designated (FFH areas and European bird Special Protection Areas), in which characteristic habitats and species for each member country and of European importance are to be found.
LIFE+ is a programme of the European Union for the financial support of Natura 2000 environmental projects within the EU. The project “Rur & Kall – Lebensräume im Fluss” [Fluvial habitats] comes under the category “Nature and Biodiversity”. The measures planned are intended to be for the benefit of the habitats, animals, and plants that are typical or characteristic of the region or of European significance.